Being Postive (LITERALLY) During A Pandemic: My COVID Experience


    Yes. I was positive for COVID and this is my experience. 


    It all started with some symptoms. I was feeling sick and weak. While I was at work, I couldn't work properly because of the massive headache I had. When I got home, I couldn't take it anymore, I cried. I broke down and cried because my whole entire body was hurting. I couldn't move and I felt so sick. The next morning, I could not stand up because whenever I stood up, I felt like the whole room was spinning. I had no appetite and could not taste anything. Whenever my mom gave me food to eat, I could not taste anything and I would not finish it. If you knew me, I love food and would not only finish the food but get extra. It was so unlike me to not finish the food.

     After awhile, my brother and I decided it was time to get tested. We got tested during the Triton Break and after I found out, I broke down. I was scared for my health, my parents' health, my immediate family's health, and my co-workers' health. I had been to different places before getting tested. The next day, my parents tested positive. They had no symptoms but hearing the news made me worry for them. My mom is diabetic and my dad has high blood. 

    The first days of being quarantined was, in lack of better words, HELL. My whole body was in pain, my headaches were getting worse, and I couldn't sleep properly. My mental health wasn't any better because I kept worrying about my parents and their health. They kept saying they were fine but I could not help but cry.  My sister's kids live with me so they got it too. They didn't develop symptoms and they got tested after we were released from isolation. It was hard to deal with because all the adults tested positive and we had to isolate from the kids but it was impossible because no one was going to feed them or take care of them if we weren't there. A few days later, I began getting better. I was able to stand up and move around. I could sit up on my bed without getting a headache and my whole body aching. Everyone began to recover and as soon as we got the call to pick up our release forms, we were excited. I was finally able to go back to work. 

    After getting Covid, you begin to realize who many things. My extended are just amazing. My auntie after finding out the news, cried. She prayed everyday because she was worried about our health. She dropped food for us everyday. My cousin went grocery shopping for us. She just bought us food and did not ask for anything in return. She just asked us to get better. She is also pregnant when she did this. She was risking her life, just to make sure we're okay. My friends checked up on me and my best friends made sure I was okay. I am so grateful for everyone in my life. They did not need to do the things they did but they did. 

    The one thing you need to prepare for is the aftermath. The constant stares, the people finding out and being scared to even be next to you. The people talking about you behind your back. People being disgusted by you. You learn to get used to it.

    Besides that, everything else goes back to normal and you get to live your life, again. 

     My advice is: please stay home and if you really have to go out, please be safe and think about your family and your loved ones. If you test positive, do not worry. You will get through it and this is just a bump in the road. :)


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